Welcome to Traveling, Writing, Blogging!
I’m Lois Templin, and my motto is “live joyfully.” I even have it tattooed on my arm as a reminder to find joy in every day. In 2024, my husband and I made some big changes in our life to reduce stress, find more adventure in life, and feel exhilarated again: we both left our 9 to 5 jobs, bought a house in a little seaside village in Greece, and are pursuing the things that we love. For me, that means spending time with the people I love, writing (blogs and books), reading, traveling, having leisurely coffees by the seashore, eating new foods, wandering cobblestone streets in European villages, exploring castles, and savoring the new people, places, and ideas we encounter along the way.
I can be found on this website posting blogs about our travel adventures, life as an expat in Greece, the joy of everyday life in a seaside village, and the experience of creating a new life and new community for ourselves in a country that is full of new opportunities and adventures.
Lois Templin – Author can be found at LoisTemplin.com. I am the author of medieval romance novels set in thirteenth century England and Wales. If you like sexy romances filled with broody knights, unyielding women, intrigue, and a measure of history, then I hope you’ll love my current series Band of Bastards, about an elite force of knights with deadly skills, fierce determination, and (nearly) impenetrable hearts.
I look forward to sharing our adventures with you as we figure out how to fit in to Greek culture and continue traveling around Europe and other intriguing locations.
Please follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok:
Happy traveling!